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Physical Education and Coaching Page

This showcase page will highlight assignments I have done in my MSU MAED program emphasizing physical education and coaching aspects of my work.  This page will highlight work I have done in the program to prepare me for higher levels of education and coaching, it has prepared me for administrative jobs as well as head coaching positions and has further enhanced my physical education teaching abilities.

Philosophy of Sport

KIN 855


This course had a great amount of work for us to develop research and develop our own philosophy of sport.  Discussing many important key issues from safety, skill development, and social implications.

Risk Management Game Plan

KIN 854


This assignment was intended to allow us students to plan, organize, and hypothetically implement a program of risk management as athletic directors for our district or school.  I planned a month by month breakdown of what I would be doing, who I would be meeting with, and what topics we would tackle to approach a school year.  This plan allowed me to organize my athletic program and allowed me to be able to oversee all the sports teams under my control.

Drills for Baseball Fielding

KIN 855


This course introduced us to systematic and biomechanically correct ideas of teaching, coaching, and reinforcing skills and abilities we want out of our students and athletes.  This assignment is a breakdown of multiple drills for skill progression for baseball fielding.

Positive Youth Development Through Sport Program

KIN 857


This final term paper for KIN 857 is a program that I developed and plan on implementing at my current school.  It is an after school basketball program for the at risk students in my school where they can socialize and interact with others in a safe, friendly, and competitive environment.  This program not only focuses on the children developing the skills of the sport, but social skills that are important for youth in urban settings to have, such as teamwork, reliability, good sportsmanship and so on.

Analysis of a Skill

KIN 856


This assignment is an example of a skill breakdown that can be used by physical education teachers and coaches for any sport, activity, or skill.  It systematically breaks down a skill into key components that easily allows the instructor to implement with their child.

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